Odile Gladewitz
This organisation is not affiliated with LipiData. LipiData does not subscribe to one organisation to the disadvantage of another. This page collates information obtained from publicly available sources.
Horses bred by Odile Gladewitz
Name Gender Year of birth Registrations
Bassovizza Mare 1997 FFL
Conversano Antinnea Stallion 1997 FFL
Conversano Sanga V Stallion 1996 FFL
Conversano Antinea Stallion 1995 FFL
Conversano Sanga IV Gelding 1995 FFL
Amorosa Mare 1997 FFL
Cecilia Mare 1996 FFL
Neapolitano Steaka Stallion 1996 FFL
Imperiosa Mare 2000 FFL
Prescillia Mare 1995 FFL